We were commissioned to design a village memorial in this charming Surrey village set within the grounds of the Church of St Paul, designed by Sir Herbert Baker and build in 1933. It is a masterpiece of modern church building in Portland stone and flint with a charming Arts and Crafts interior. Baker incorporated a remarkable hypocaust system within the walls to maintain pleasant interior temperatures in winter. Several projects were developed and the church committee chose the version with a central memorial stone sitting on axis below the church tower. The landscape element of the memorial was designed to create a stronger link between the church and the village.
‘‘The Memorial, set in its own space at the foot of the church tower, is much admired and a frequent stopover for walkers and visitors to read the several inscriptions.’’
Geoffrey King, Chairman, The Woldingham Village Memorial Trust
The design consists of a central stone block set in a granite sett and stone paved area central beneath the Herbert Baker church. It is surrounded by a semi-enclosed landscape formed in topiary yew with stone urns set on plinths that convey the idea of a memorial when viewed from a distance.
‘Working in the context of a Herbert Baker masterpiece required reflection on his enormous contribution to the making of war memorials after the First World War.’