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St George’s Square sits at the heart of Stamford in Lincolnshire, a fine town built almost entirely in local stone, which comes predominantly from the Clipsham quarries close to the town. Stamford’s history goes a long way back over a thousand years. It was prosperous in Norman times and was one of the ten largest towns in England in the thirteenth century. Prosperous professional men and merchants were attrached to the town during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and built their fine vernacular and later classical or Georgian houses, which today provide the backbone of the town’s urban fabric. It is the consistency and quality of the houses and public squares and the exceptional streetscapes they create which have led to Stamford being used as a setting in many notable films and period dramas.

‘‘Creating a new street with houses based on the scale of the fine Georgian square close by in this beautiful town was a wonderful commission by a local landowner’’

Urban Development, Stamford


This Proposal for the demolition of a small factory and extending a new street in the style of one of the finest English eighteenth century ensembles was a major challenge – creating distinctive modern homes that responded carefully to the established classical and vernacular language of Stamford was an architectural and urban design project requiring a knowledge of eighteenth century English architecture.

‘‘Our concept required the threading together of existing unconnected spaces with a new street of classical houses.’’

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